Dvdcc.com's Privacy Policy - Last Updated 11/01/03

Dvdcc.com is a firm believer in online privacy. As such, the following information is available to answer any questions you may have about privacy while visiting our site.


Unless otherwise noted on this website:

Our website contains many hyperlinks (links) to other websites on the Internet. We cannot guarantee the content or the privacy policy of other websites.

Ads are placed on this website. We do use cookies to count views and click-throughs for those ads. No personal information is stored in these cookies. All ads are approved by our website and are hosted from one of our own webservers (no 3rd party-hosted graphics). However, once clicking through the ad, we are not responsible for that website’s privacy policy, content, or any cookie they may place on your system.

Giveaways and free subscriptions to our email newsletter require your name and email address. This personal information will never be sold, traded, leased to, lent to (you get the idea) to any 3rd party.

Some online polls (and giveaways) on this website may contain questions about your opinions. These polls are purely optional. Statistical information may be given to a 3rd party, but never any information about the individuals.

The server this website resides on does keep track of some aspects of a visit to Dvdcc.com including what browsers people are using, the average length of time people are reading pages, what country most people are from, etc. - for statistical purposes only. Reports that are generated do not include any personal information about any specific individual.

Again, our visitor’s privacy is important to us. If you have any questions, please email us at privacy [at] dvdcc.com or see our other contact information.




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